Interior lights feature undocumented??

Any topics related to 2013+ R52

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Interior lights feature undocumented??

Postby AmPaTerry » Mon Mar 23, 2015 3:36 pm

I discovered this the first time I approached my new 2014 Pathfinder in our detached - and dark - carport at night. When I got a few feet from the vehicle, the interior lights came on.
I kinda thought it was a short or something, because the next time I approached it they did NOT come on.
Subsequent testing showed me that if the doors are locked and the vehicle has been sitting a while, the interior lights come on when I approach the vehicle.

I called the dealer and talked to Sales, and they were not aware of this feature -

Can someone document this for me, with specifics of when and how it works? Is it keyed to dark as opposed to light outside? Does it matter how long it has been parked? Does it really matter if the doors are locked or not?

I got on a chat box with a factory rep -
She told me it is in the manual, but only ID'd as "welcome lighting", and the feature can be turned on and off from the SETTINGS menu.

Posts: 204
Joined: Wed Nov 20, 2013 2:50 pm
Location: Fairfield County, Connecticut

Postby Grumpah » Sat Apr 04, 2015 12:00 pm

It's soooo satisfying when you can answer your own question, isn't it? 8)

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